Business aviation means more than 1.2 million manufacturing ans service jobs in the United States. It is part of a general aviation industry that contributes more than $150 billion to our economy each year and contributes positively to our nation’s balance of trade.

Rep. Graves, GA Caucus Respond to Negative Small-Airport Coverage

September 28, 2009

As people in the business aviation community know, the recent stories mischaracterizing small airports and general aviation in USA Today and on NBC’s Today show prompted a flood of response from the industry. Now, Rep. Sam Graves (R-MO-6) has added his voice to the concerns raised about the news coverage, with a “Dear Colleague” letter to his House colleagues pointing out that the public-use airports increase aviation system capacity, enhance security and provide other valuable benefits. NBAA and other general aviation groups have written to members of the GA Caucus to request their support in signing Rep. Graves’ Dear Colleague letter, and 13 members of Congress have added their signatures to the congressman’s letter.

Review Rep. Graves’ letter (394KB, PDF)
Review the general aviation groups’ letter (91KB, PDF)

When Recession Hits, Importance of General Aviation to America Becomes Even More Visible

March 30, 2009

The U.S. aviation system is critical to the success, strength and growth of the economy. The system is made up of three segments – Scheduled operations, including passenger airlines; Military, and General Aviation. The people and businesses in general aviation are subject to the sluggish economy just like everyone else. And all the information available confirms that when a recession hits general aviation, the impact is felt all across America’s economy.
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NBAA Resource Helps Members Advocate for Business Aviation

January 26, 2009

With a new administration and a new Congress taking office, NBAA encourages Members to build relationships with their representatives on Capitol Hill to promote their interests as owners and operators of business aircraft. To support Members reaching out to their representatives, NBAA has developed a resource describing the importance of business aviation to the nation’s economy and transportation system. The document, titled “Business Aviation: National Asset, Vital Issues,” provides detailed information on how business aviation creates jobs and investments while contributing to the safest and most efficient aviation system in the world. Members can use it to help legislators understand that business aviation provides growth opportunities for many of the small towns and rural areas they represent.
Download the resource as a PDF

NBAA Responding to Recent News Coverage of Business Aviation

In light of recent publicity surrounding Congressional hearings about certain companies’ use of business aviation, NBAA has fielded inquiries from news organizations about what business aviation is and how it is used in the U.S. To clear up any misperceptions, NBAA has provided the questions most often asked of the Association, with responses that lay out the facts to explain how business aviation helps companies of all sizes remain nimble, competitive and successful, especially in a difficult economic climate.
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The Real World of Business Aviation

Business aviation is a diverse composite of entrepreneurs and organizations – nonprofits and companies of all sizes – located in all parts of the United States, often in small towns and rural areas.
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Airports Handbook

A member favorite for nearly two decades, the NBAA Airports Handbook makes a compelling case for the importance of airports and their economic and social contributions to surrounding communities and the nation.
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