March 10, 2010

NBAA sent an urgent alert last night to Members in Washington State, urging a last-ditch phone and email campaign to prevent imposition of a ruinous new excise tax on all aircraft in the state.

“This is your last chance,” said Kristi Ivey, NBAA Northwest Regional Representative. “The time to act is now.” The new excise tax will pass – or not – no later than tomorrow, March 11, which is the end of this year’s Washington State legislative session.

She urged Washington State Members to call or email their State Senator immediately and ask that the aircraft excise tax portion of Senate Bill 6143 be removed from the bill. She reminded Members that the new tax would cost all aircraft owners one-half of one percent of the value of the aircraft annually. In the case of a $10,000,000 business aircraft, the bill would be an additional $50,000 in new taxes.

“Tell your Senator how this provision will negatively impact your company, your job, your employees and hurt the State of Washington by discouraging business aviation,” said Ivey. “It is important for you to briefly tell your own story, as a voter in Washington State.”

The alert was prompted by yesterday’s passage of Washington State House Bill HB 3191, which threatens to impose the new tax annually on all aircraft in Washington State. The tax would replace the current aircraft registration fee, and create some of the highest aircraft registration rates in the nation. In some cases, the tax increase would be as high as 1,400 percent.

NBAA has already issued three calls to action for Members in Washington State on this tax issue, plus the emergency call to action last night, an unprecedented response for a legislative issue.

“If you are based or do business in Washington State, please speak up now,” Ivey said.

To access NBAA resources for contacting Washington state legislators and making your voice heard, visit the NBAA Call to Action: Proposed Washington State Tax Increase on Aircraft.